2024 Edgartown Garden Stroll - Thursday, July 25, 2024
The Martha's Vineyard Garden Club Stroll is a garden tour of five private home gardens and two Vineyard Preservation Trust properties featuring the new historic kitchen garden of the Vincent House. On-line advance discount 'Stroll' sales have ended. You may purchase admission to the Stroll on the day of the event @The Carnegie on Thursday, July 25 @ $60.00 per guest. Cash and credit cards will be accepted. This year the gardens open for the Stroll will be concentrated in the North Water Street area of downtown Edgartown. The gardens collectively are traditional, quaint, historic and eclectic. The Edgartown Garden Stroll will take place Thursday, July 25th from 10am to 3pm, rain or shine. The gardens are in fairly close proximity to each other and we estimate the Stroll between gardens will take 2.5 - 3 hours at a leisurely pace. The funds generated by this event will go to needed repairs of the Martha's Vineyard Garden Club's Old Mill building in order to preserve it for future generations and continue its use to the Island Community. Edgartown Garden Stroll, 2024 description: The Edgartown Garden Stroll will take place on Thursday, July 25, 2024 from 10am - 3pm, rain or shine. Along the way, attendees will visit five private home gardens and two Vineyard Preservation Trust properties featuring the new historic kitchen garden of the Vincent House. Those who have purchased admission are invited to enjoy the Stroll at their own pace. The gardens may be visited in any order. Those who have pre-purchased admission may pick up their program guide (which will act as your admission to each garden) at The Carnegie, 58 North Water Street, Edgartown. Check in at The Carnegie will begin at 9:30am on July 25. Admissions for groups will be held under the name of the purchaser. Online advance admission has ended. Stroll admission is available for purchase on the day of the event at the Carnegie for $60.00. Please call Anne Kushwaha or Deb Daley with questions about the Edgartown Stroll. Anne @ 281-705-6774 / Deb @ 774-278-1405 A Bonus in our Centennial Year: The Emily Post House Garden is one of the gardens open for the Stroll and there will be a display at The Carnegie of her life at the same time as the Martha's Vineyard Garden Club 100th display. Dates of the Garden Club display at the Carnegie are July 14 - 28. Additionally, there will be a floral arrangement demonstration on the front lawn of the Carnegie by Christin Geall on Wednesday, July 24th from 2:00 - 4:00pm, the day before the Stroll event. Christin's arrangement will be on display on a pedestal table in the foyer of the The Carnegie during the Stroll and will remain there as long as possible. Libby Ellis’ floral photographs will also be on display during the Garden Club’s 100th Anniversary display at The Carnegie. The historic Vincent House kitchen garden has been renovated and planted with appropriate plants that would be usual in a kitchen garden from the 1600’s with help from John Forti, author of The Heirloom Garden and collaboration of the MV Garden Club and The Vineyard Preservation Trust. Special thanks to Donaroma’s, Polly Hill’s Tim Boland, and Lil Provence.
About Christin Geall: Christin (pictured above) is a writer, designer, and speaker whose work explores the intersections of nature, culture and horticulture. She is the author of Cultivated: The Elements of Floral Style and A Cultivated Manifesto forthcoming from Rizzoli in 2024. Middle and far right images above © Christin Geall. Please call The Carnegie Heritage Center with questions about the Carnegie events @ 774-549-9107. Additional Stroll Information:
Your program will serve as your admission to each garden, so your program must be picked up @ The Carnegie before beginning the Stroll. Private garden addresses, garden descriptions and a map are part of the program. Docents will be on hand as guides at each of the private gardens. In most cases, the homeowner will be present for a time to answer questions. The Stroll is self guided and will take place rain or shine, so go at your own pace and in any order you like. All admissions are non-refundable. Private gardens on the route are not handicap accessible. Carriages are not allowed and children who cannot be carried will require a paid admission. Pets are not permitted. Neither the Martha's Vineyard Garden Club nor any homeowner opening their garden on the Stroll is responsible for damage, property loss, or injury sustained during the Stroll. No admittance to the private gardens will be allowed after 3pm. This Fundraiser will support the Old Mill Preservation Fund of the Martha's Vineyard Garden Club. We thank you very much for your support! |